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Updated at: 2024-03-21.

Cookie Policy This Cookies Policy explains how Redir.lat uses cookies and similar tracking technologies when you visit our website or use our services. By using Redir.lat, you consent to the use of cookies as described in this policy. What are Cookies:Cookies are small text files that are stored on your device when you visit a website. They contain information about your browsing preferences and activities on the website. How We Use Cookies: a. Essential Cookies: These cookies are necessary for the functioning of Redir.lat’s website and services. They enable core features such as user authentication, account management, and security. b. Performance Cookies: These cookies collect information about how you interact with Redir.lat’s website, such as which pages you visit and any errors you encounter. This information helps us improve the performance and usability of our website. c. Functionality Cookies: These cookies allow us to remember your preferences and customize your experience on Redir.lat’s website. For example, they may remember your language preferences or user interface settings. d. Advertising Cookies: We may use third-party cookies for advertising purposes, such as displaying targeted ads based on your browsing behavior. These cookies may track your interactions with Redir.lat’s website and other websites to provide personalized advertising content. Third-Party Cookies: Redir.lat may allow third-party service providers, such as analytics and advertising partners, to set cookies on your device when you visit our website. These cookies are subject to the privacy policies of the respective third parties. Managing Cookies: Most web browsers allow you to control cookies through their settings. You can typically set your browser to accept or reject cookies, delete existing cookies, or notify you when a cookie is set. Please note that disabling cookies may affect the functionality of Redir.lat’s website and services. Cookie Preferences: By using Redir.lat’s website, you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with this policy. You may also adjust your cookie preferences by accessing Redir.lat’s cookie consent tool, where available. Changes to this Cookies Policy: We may update this Cookies Policy from time to time to reflect changes in our practices or applicable laws. If we make any material changes, we will notify you by posting a revised policy on Redir.lat’s website or by other means as required by law. Contact Us: If you have any questions or concerns about this Cookies Policy or our use of cookies, please contact us at [email protected]. Thank you for using Redir.lat.